Lastri Susanti Saya Adalah Seorang Ibu Rumah Tangga Yang Senang menulis

Guide 5G LTE Only

19 sec read

(Now Android 11 and devices that support 5G(NR)) This app will help you to change network to 4G/3G/2G and stay on the selected network. No more auto switching between 4G/3G. If you have free 4G data transfer and you have to pay for 3G, just set your network to LTE only. Force LTE doesn’t support every phone. It depends what phone brand you are using. Some phone brands block this to force the network switch. Please don’t rate this app bad if it doesn’t work on your phone.

Lastri Susanti Saya Adalah Seorang Ibu Rumah Tangga Yang Senang menulis

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